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INTER- accepts submissions year-round in the field of Global Thought.
Submit today for the opportunity to be included in our next issue.
Today, global thought is in crisis. Geopolitical tensions are fraught, international governance has failed to meaningfully prevent grave humanitarian and climate-related crisis, reactionary and populist powers are on the ascendance, and ethnic, racist and gender-based violence has only entrenched itself across many geographies. The decoupling between the rhetoric and “representative” actions of States and their publics has never been more polarised. Theory and praxis are astoundingly disconnected as various potential apocalypses loom on the horizon.
For our debut issue, we ask for submissions that address the current crisis in global thought.
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INTER- publishes biannually as a journal in the Summer and Winter of each year. Abstract submissions are open for two weeks in the months of November and May. Our blog, the INTER-Scene, welcomes submissions year round with no set schedule.
Help us develop the field of global thought. Find out more about how to contribute your work.
Interdisciplinary. Open access. Student friendly.
We are INTER-, a journal that opens a new space for interdisciplinary conversations within Global Thought. INTER- is run by a diverse team of University of St. Andrews alumni and academics who believe in publishing student and academic papers in an egalitarian and non-hierarchical manner.
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Contact Us
Please use the following contact form to:
- Inquire about submissions to the journal or blog.
- Get in touch about becoming a reviewer for INTER-.
- Invite us to speak at an event/seminar.
- Collaborate on a conference/symposium, event or publication.
- Inquire about joining the editorial or advisory board and recruitment opportunities.
- Any other comment or suggestion you might have!